Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Boys Club

Funny story about Jack...

John and Deana Golden are friends of ours who live in the back section of our subdivision. They have Alexa, who is a good friend of Gray's and plays on our softball team, and her brother Parker, who is in second grade and is Jack's big bud, and they go to the same school. Anyway, a couple of Friday night's ago, Gray had a sleepover at Alexa's and Parker had a sleepover at our house for the first time. Boys boys boys...Pete blew up the queen size air mattress for them in the living room so they could watch movies until late. Saturday morning, we could hear them in the living room, up to no good. I snuck into the kitchen and listened from around the corner. They were taking turns jumping from the kitchen window cutout ( a ledge over our sink that is about 4 feet high), and catapulting onto the air mattress below. Then I hear Jack say,"Remember Parker, this our boys club where we can say whatever we want!" Suddenly, each jump from Jack was puncuated with a "Shut up Gracie" as he landed below. And each jump from Parker was puncuated with a "Shut up Alexa" as he landed. Even though that phrase is banned at our house, I did have to snicker to myself.

I hope everyone has a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend ahead. We will be low key on Saturday, still have to figure out some kind of surprise for our soon-to-be sixth grader and our soon-to-be first grader for an awesome school year! Sunday is pool party at the neighbors.

Love to all...D

1 comment:

nancy c. karl said...

Hi!! Some things never change!!
Thanks for telling us about Jack's
sleep over.

Sending an article on the butterfly
stroke. Proud of you Gracie! Can't
wait to see you swim in July!!!

Love, Nana & Papa Beach