Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

 Rachel, the Vicar's daughter, and Jackson leading us in Eve worship.

 Gracie's artwork that accompanied "The Friendly Beasts."

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Exciting times for Jackson...

Ok, no photography is allowed, but another choir mom snuck this photo last night.  The Central Arkansas Children's Choir is on the right with the white shirts and red cumberbunds and bow ties.  Our little Jackson, the youngest singer in the choir, is all the way on the end of the front row, next to the Christmas tree.  They had their first of 3 holiday performances last night at Robinson Center Music Hall in Little Rock with the Arkansas Symphony Orchestra, and the University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff chorus on the left.  Pete drew the straw for last night's chaperoning, I have tonight's, and we are all going on Sunday with some friends.  What a great experience for Jack - so proud of him, and it is so fun to watch him take it so seriously, but have a great time doing it!
What a blessing to see your kids do what they love to do!
Merry Christmas...DK

Monday, November 5, 2012

Arkansas Youth Hunt Weekend

 Strapped into the tree stand
 Casa de Karl, for the weekend. 
 Gracie on lookout...
 Who needs bowls for chili?
Beautiful Houston, AR.  See the camper?  Barely.  See any deer?  Neither did they.
Love to all...D

Friday, November 2, 2012

Halloween 2012

 Brooklyn and Gray
 We have found our brothers!
 Gray and her Jilly from church...zombie bride. 

and that's Travis...zombie groom. 

Pete dressed up as the dad who takes pictures...D