Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Here's the Story, of a Lovely Lady...

My kids have discovered The Brady Bunch! Last weekend, they were flipping thru the channels and landed on TV Land, and the episode where all of the Brady kids are sick at the same time and they each have a different noise maker and the girls won't see the boy doctor and the boys won't see the girl doctor. I astounded my children by quoting verbatim everyone's lines in the episode. They think I am a genius. This prompted me to order the entire first season, all 25 episodes from the fall of 1969 on DVD. So far we have watched the first episode, the wedding (their favorite), and the one where Cindy has the lead in the school play but she can only invite 1 parent. This is the most attentive I have seen G and J in a long time!

Jackson gave a mini concert for his preschool class today, and his teacher Mr. Mike even came over for it and talked to the kids about taking violin lessons. Tonight he has his first group lesson, and Pete just called from it saying Jack's tooth just fell out! Guess the pirate treasure chest will get some use tonight.

Prayers for Pete as he heads out again tomorrow for Wisconsin for two days.

The photo is our wonderful and talented 'nanny' Miss Rose! She is just precious and we love her to death and she is fitting in great with our lifestyle and crazy schedule. She is a sophomore Occupational Therapy major at UCA.

Looking for one dollar bills...Denise


dennis and deidre said...

Didn't Bobby have the slide whistle?

Denise said...

and Greg had the bongos